We believe life is meant to be lived in community! From doing small things like going to the movies to asking the tricky questions about life and our relationship with God, we always want to do it together. In SFC, you'll be surrounded by friends that you can share life with, will support you and push you to grow. Better yet, you can be that friend to others, as well!
What We Do
Every Tuesday at 19:00 we meet at a fixed location for worship, prayer, a short message and time afterwards to hangout!
Guys and girls meet separately in smaller groups every week to share, ask questions, discuss and have fun while learning what it means to live in relationship with God and each other. Get in touch for the time and location!
Community Nights & Other events
We love to hangout and do fun things together, whether it’s sports at the park, sharing food, playing board games, and so on! Every first weekend of the month we plan a fun community night, and we regularly have spontaneous hangouts. There’s always a spot for you, and we would love to have you join us!
Every student is welcomed and known! We believe students reach students, and our goal is that the students of SFC do their part by always inviting their peers into our community. You’re invited! Let’s do this together.
You have great value! Jesus gave His life for all of us and because of this we treat and serve everyone with honor, respect, and dignity. Regardless of belief, study, or race every student is valued and welcomed!
Jesus’ death and resurrection changes our lives. We can have a personal relationship with Him, and as we grow in this faith, we are transformed from the inside out. What’s even better is that we can learn and walk together by supporting each other’s relationships with Christ!